The Fabulous 6

We're creative, intelligent, curious and funny... that's why they call us the Fabulous 6!

Sunday 16 December 2007

Looking For Me? ;)

Don't worry, I'm still here! =D
I had to delete my last post... sorry about that...

So, how have you all been? Any (good) news for me? :)

Christmas holidays start in a week, right?

I've been ok, actually. At the moment, I'm still pondering what to do... But I might simply enjoy this 'break' by getting my driver's license and retake my studies next year, somewhere else.

As I said before, I'm also going to London next month, on the 15th (call it a family trip! lol...) I'll post some photos here for sure! XD

Anyway, guess that's all for now... ^^; I'll talk to you later!!


Blogger Maria João said...

How are you doing? Did you get a ticket for the London concert? I heard they are all sold out.
Are you returning next semester or you'll wait an year to come back to classes?

18 December 2007 at 15:42  
Blogger WERT said...

Yes! Got one for the 16th January concert... lol... I'm so excited!

I think it'll be better if I wait a year, you know? I realized that the Translation course wasn't really what I was expecting...
Therefore, I might start taking another course in another university in September. But for now, I'll just 'relax'... =p

How about you? Everything alright?

19 December 2007 at 13:24  

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